Friday, September 28, 2007

ooh...just one day ii've been away from blogging and the weirdos visiting my blog jumped from 82 to 89 =D
a total of 7 weirdos or less viewed in just one day...

Just got an exam kit yesterday to survive this terrible exam period ii've got to go thru...and the things inside are the funniest you can find...

2 toothpicks to poke yourself when you are about to fall asleep...zzz
1 serviette from mcdonald for dunno wad use...maybe to clean your dirty mouth after eating
1 plaster to put on in case you suffer any injury when poking yourself with the toothpicks
1 retangular mini notepad if you need to make notes
2 teeny weeny square notebooks the size of a mini chocolate bar for dunno wad use

And the more normal things...
2 packets of chicken snacks
3 kopikos to keep you awake
3 mint mentos to freshen your breath(that way you no need to smell your own bad breath when you study)
and a few bible verses here and there to encourage yourself when studying

haha,today ii found two new pilot blue pens inside my pencil case and ii was wondering which one of my sisters is so sweet to put them there for me...haha so ii smsed both to ask and my elder sis replied, "It's ur beloved mei la."

And my not beloved mei replied saying "Yup"
hahas,thanks are really sweet but ii'm still sweeter *bleahs* =p

Joker Rafi
Mr rafi is soo lame today...huizhong and me asked him for permission to go toilet then he stare at us with a funny funny look and then replied after 3 seconds the stupidest thing, "ok,your can go but pls use different cubicles..." -.-'' ii was laughing after that...but ii ain't laughing now *bleahs* ii suppose you would want to have such a crapper maths teacher who is too lenient during lesson but not lenient when it comes to marking of test papers...