Friday, October 05, 2007 ii look back on one week of mugging, ii really think ii deserve a nice long sleep cuz ii have only one more POA paper to go on mon =D and tmr is saturday!!

heehee...during tis period...ii've mugged 凶-ly sacrificing my sleep...but one thing that ii'm impressed about myself is that ii can drink two packets of Nescafe
INTENSE(heavier than normal) in one day and then ii fall asleep at around 11-12plus when ii expected the effect to be more effective...truth to say sometimes ii dun need to drink coffee to stay's probably the body's are tired so you must sleep =) nearly didn't finish the Bio paper...but thank God ii stiu finished it cos my hand was working like a typewriter...dunno wad ii writing but it's just continuous writing of the hand...After POA paper ii literally fell asleep on the table.The hall was so aircon then ii sit in the MIDDLE (middle no fan -.-) Thank God for my cute water bottle that motivated me to drink plain water ^^'s good to take one sip of water here and will help ur brain work(no wonder so many people bring water bottles -.-)...because water=H2O so when you drink H2O,the oxygen in it helps to oxidise ur brain and the hydrogen atoms help to explode knowledge here and there =)

-haha...the oxygen part is true but the hydrogen part go figure it urself (;