Saturday, October 13, 2007's been decades since ii last blogged...hmmm...actually it's just one week
well,thats because the computer is down and not working to it's's lagging...another thing you can call it is plain laziness...ii'm lazy and tooooo lazy to blog nowadays...

ii got home at 10pm today and the first thing tat came into my mind was strawberry milk haha...ii dunno why ii enjoy drinking tat pink stuff so's addiction =)

Today after service, east had a meeting in America room...haha...we played two games...a weird but fun straw game and blind mice...haha...the more violent ppl got the straws and the less violent ones were left with no straws in their mouths/hands...ii was the less violent,in other words the more si wen kind so ii was w/o

There were four blind mice selected, 2guys 2gals....shall not put the name here...haha..they are the rougher ones in the east =D There was sort of rioting in the America room after the lights were switched off...everybody was simply darting everywhere;front back left or right and even corners of the room =D The corners of the room are for those who are hiding d=

After the games, Dennis was reconvicting and challenging us to upgrade upgrade our current state to something better...then celebrate at the end of December...Phase 1 is comin to the end...It's nearing...ahhh!!!

ok...haha...frm 1 hr onwards...the new structure will take place...there will be no more EE and EF...there will be two sub district...EA and EC =D my new CG will be EA1derful(onederful,yanyu spells it as one-the-fool -.-) and ii'll be taking up a new excited for tis journey with you =D haha...and dun miss me Melissa/pig =D heehee...add oil add lots of oil!!