Wednesday, October 17, 2007

ii've been PROMOTED!! *jump cuckoo-ly*
To?? CEO? GM? No lar...promoted to sec 4 express...oh means it'll be my last year in secondary school (T_T)

haha ii got 20/40 for class position and ii dunno wad ii pass and ii dunno wad ii fail...ii only noe ii passed 5 subs and ii failed 2...and the two tat ii failed must be E Maths and Bio =D they've always been my weakest subs even though ii've worked to my best...

thank you God always carrying me thru Storms and this one is not exceptional ^^
you never fail me...ii rmb you did the same thing last year when ii flunked so badly
you were the one who stood by me and carried me thru with such wonderful caregroup members you placed in my life =) is mum's birthday as well as my bro the GF de =D

And the first thing ii greeted them was "恭喜你们老了"
Birthday means she's older and when she's older, she's closer to the grave...haha,ii'm just stating the fact ^^

Mum is already 55 years old...haha...she looks less than her age =D tat explains why ppl have been saying ii look like sec 2 when ii'm sec 3 le...lawls -.- haha she's been talking to me about God lately so ii was suspecting that she converted cos the ppl frm lighthouse seem to be taking care of her(the pastor even called her) haha...and ying broke the news to me just now...she has already made the wisest decision =D
ii nvr tot that it happened so fast, God was faster than ii tot =)

Whee~ ^^ \/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/whee~ ^^\/whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^ \/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/whee~ ^^\/whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/ whee~ ^^\/

tats called unspeakable JOY =D

ii noe she's bound to face persecutions by her siblings cus ii've been "psycho-ed" by them to back out frm this relationship(you see they tot Jesus "psycho=ed" me)...haha,ii wasn't "psycho-ed" anyway...cus Jesus didn't Psycho me :D It was his outrageous Love tat made me really crazy over him =)