Friday, February 08, 2008

haha...the time now is 12.50 and I'm sort of blogging about yesterday...LoL
Was sianing today from morning till 2pm coz mum was quite indecisive of wad to do
Got quite fed up actually,preparing to go bai nian,dressed up to my best
den mom say maybe we whole day stay at home =.=
Audi for two hours in make up+new year clothes ^^\/
But heng we went to grandma's hse =>home=>Aunt's hse=>Uncle's hse
My cousins and me k-box-ed at Uncle's hse :D saved $30 over dollars cos it's all FREE!!
haha,Tina sang fei lu qin's song...Lol super old song,made me laughed so hard
Then her sis,Candice atually loves to sing old songs and then
Tina told me she only knew who is Jay Chou last year...(another joke) feels like an eating day...But managed not to eat too much
Oh and I just realised,Ba Kwa!! I haven't eaten any this year...haha
Then I'll kope whenever I see :D wahaha
Feels that I became fat already!!
Da Jie kept tellin me I look fat in my dress.