Monday, August 27, 2007

Crapx x=

Back to blogging again tonite =) haha,usually ii blog at nite cos the blog post would den be accurate =) if you dunno wad ii am talking about,it's ok because you dun have to understand crap =)

went to whitesands today with ah-zhong =D tats wad ii love callin her =) she ate a lot leh...3 donuts and 1 plate of spaghetti...puberty can be quite scary =)

after tat went play basketball at around rc area =) didn't burn a lot of fats la but lost a lot of water =) Actually when it comes to sports,ii am a noob so ii will scream and scream like a bimbo...haha,by the way,ii am NOT and ii will NEVER be a bimbo! !

ok...let me try to rmb wad ii learn in the classroom today during chi-mer-logy lesson...heehee,ii forgot =x but ii suddenly rmb something else...something unrelated to chi-mer-logy,BE ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN.

haha,na mind...let me end tis post by treasuring wadever ii have b4 it's gone =) thanks to everybody around me =) you all colours my life...w/o you,my life is black and white or even no color...haha,ii treasure my friendships with all you guys and ii love you all =) nitex!!

...making painful decisions by urself can be quite scary...