Saturday, September 08, 2007

haha ii am not in kinder garden anymore but ii still remember the alphabets order =D

haha,today went to Maxell at Tajong Pagar to eat eat eat after service...glad that we are not doing the same thing over and over again by going to s11...

sat same table with ice cream,mag,sylvia,jade and sharlene...can see sharlene's top about to burst after huge,enormous delicious meal =D Jade's stomach went visible even though her's was not a tight fitting shirt =p oops

sylvia's and ice cream's de stomachs still very bian...arghhh...maybe should bian them hor?lol

celebrated bell bell's birthday today kachang...haha,my spiritual birthday oso use ice kachang ^^

After tat went back somerset study at THE COFFEE BEAN...only brought geog textbook so have no choice except to study it =D so ii studied the topic on development and it's a chimchim topic and very complex oso.

haha,realised ii owe ppl alot of $$+money+cash. hohoho,owe shuhfen $1.50,owe huilin $5,and geck $5.


Three words were spoken today...haha,they are about trust,faith and love.

Inspired to trust my best fren for more and keep going on...ok,let me not just be inspired,ii am ready to perspire and ii dun want to expire!! and of cos, have faith!!

the word about love also spoke to me alot. ii haven't been loving the people around me ii taking them for granted?

Why do things for them when you do not love them?
Why do things for the sake of doing it but not love?
Why do it w/o love?

In everything you do, do it out of your love for people =)) if not, might as well not do it...ok, focuse...ii want to love people like how Jesus loved me =)

Get tis straight!! The way Jesus love me is not the kind of fluffy kind which he only feel it or say it,he demonstrated his love for me by going to the cross and dying for my sins w/o asking for anything [rom 5:8]

haha,had a funny yet powerful preacher today during service...Pastor Jeff the start of the sermon, ii could not understand wad he was try to say,saving faith and working faith. Saving faith is the faith which brings about salvation while working faith is the result of our relationship with Jesus =)

Words and feelings are great but action it out if not it is useless!! hohohoho...CG08!!!! fruits?Jiayou!!