Wednesday, September 12, 2007

argghh!! ii can't keep my hands off the comp..or rather...ii should say ii can't keep my hands off blogger =)

It's really fun to blog...especially to blog about the dumb things people do, the dumb things ii do, the great times ii had with God and and his people.

This might be one of my last posts before ii go off to mug and mug...and you will see a JingJing whom you might mistake as a panda =D but she will still be prettypretty ^^ sry abt the BHB part =p

Today my dad reports,"lou xia you ren lao sai lao dao zhen jian dou shi."
And mom's first reaction was,"Sms da jie jiao ta bu yao zou na bian!! wo bu hui sms ni men sms ta..."
My first reaction was to pick up my silver bimbo fone and sms da jie.
the idea of my sister stepping on shit irks me...eeee
And ying reacted by sniffing the air den say,"wo wen de dao leh..." (dumb gurl) the topics ii had to study for the final year exams...

Bio - Chapter 2-12
Social studies- Chapter 3,4,5 and 6
Chem - Chapter 1-8
and the rest, not yet out...

they are really alot so ii cnt imagine how it'd be like during post-secondary education...
exams are coming real soon and the school's being lag...not giving out the examination timetable, teachers not telling us wad to study and everything...

haha,was looking at people's blog just now...their blog consists mainly of things such as BGR and friendship and den ii looked at MY blog. thinking about it, ii am happy to be given this previledge to blog about God ^^
aren't you happy? bro or sis? =D