Thursday, September 13, 2007 had two free physics lessons during the first two periods =)

was supoosed to have a test and ms sultana went away so no more test!! ^^

actually ii 4got to study for it so really thank God for such a thing to happen at such a time!!
Was listening to the song beautiful girls on huizhong's,the part where sean sang,
"I'm losing my mind, and ii dun think it's clever" makes me laugh so much...

Had caregroup today at Jade's house.

was quite cramp though but never mind,
becos it indicates that our group is big =)

Introduction so funny...
FBT stands for Freaking Big Teeth =) And ii suppose you know who has got FBT!!
Wanling intro den dunno how link to holland v den they rmb mo wanwan den subsequently mo jingjing...
told them ii am zhang jingjing den they say nowonder ii sit beside zang lang(croakroach) no link...-.-
yuyu intro herself as mei ren
Gockroach intro as meinu...both of them took my zhao pai...haha
and den my and melissa intro as xiao tu zi(baby rabbit)
becos yanyu is big rabbit so her sheeps will be babies =D

led games with the well known gockroach in EC =D
It's called integrity game but pronounced it as integrity name...lolx...moley laughed at me =((
The people went wild going around play sissors,paper, stone and exchanging cards with one another.
played three rounds and the three winners emerged are ah be,sabrina and bell bell.
Decided that having prizes rather than forfeit would be a way to bless people =)

haha...and ii finally saw the naughty girl in my life today cos she came for caregroup!!

And here ii present...The Naughty Girl In My Life

Gock say my nose very big...haha...tats becos ii faked it and enlarged it using my nostril muscles =p but it seemed big in the picture