Friday, September 14, 2007

Today had maths two periods,bio three periods and sex education 2 periods...
Sex education is really disgusting...
bet you won't ever want to visit my blog if ii ever put the pictures of the lesson on the blog...
it's about sexually transmitted diseases ><
Find out if u dare lo...the pics are gruesome *bleahs*

Today raining real heavy...
uniform got really wetty wetty...
so took bus to take mrt cos dun want cross the road to take bus...
358 was real squeezy squeezy...saw a lame malay guy taking pic/video becos of the heavy haising
den regretted my decision to take bus to mrt but too late...

saw a girl ii dun want to see frm the next class at tampines!! Glenda ONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 31 aug, she pointed me out as the girl who asked for her number and then asked her to church during the febuary ESS...
ii had no choice but to pretend ii heard nothing,but my classmates heard it all.
and probably the 3e6 people now thinks ii am a weirdo asking anybody ii can to church...

emotions welled up inside but none was showed on the outside...
and then her fren tried teasing me by asking me whether ii want her number oso
ii had no choice but to reply so ii acted cool and said,"Oh of cos sure sure" in a cheeky tone
She tot ii asked her to church because ii wanted somebody to pei me or wad so eva...
excuse me, ii asked because ii care, if ii dun care ii wouldn't even have asked you, girl.

actually was very tempted to say out wadeva weird things she has done when she did that,
but decided tat it will be gossiping so might as well 4get about it.
ii've got better things anyway other than spending 3/4 of my life gossiping away.
My life is worth much more than that (;

today suppose to meet my naughty sheep for shepherding end up no shepherding because no more time cos we have this refreshing meet for our believers in EC3 =)
took her somewhere to kidnap her =x haha,no la...took her to eat ok?
she ate cheese fries and she blessed me with milo iceblend even though the weather is so cold!! it's freezing 28 degrees!(rough estimation =p) walk back to yanyu's hse de playground den we

tomoro will be anniversary...haiz...supoosed to have visitors coming but in the end always turns out like this...hmmm...and after lying in bed for awhile...ii have counted the total number of Haisians that actually entered nexus auditorium/kallang's around 8 =)

And the total number of Haisians tat agreed but den last minute cannot is 3

But still, ii am the only y-hope in there...ok today God spoke during the meeting about 3 words...perseverance,courage and faith =) Continue! CG08!! jiayoujiayou =D