Tuesday, September 18, 2007

yesterday's jump concert really exhausted my energy...didn't study for chem test den my head dropped onto the table liao...slept at 12 plus den woke up at 610...snooze until 620...my eyelids dropped wherever ii go, and ii've got real BIG eye shit on my right eye when ii look into the mirror...hohoho, cnt imagine how I'd look if dun remove them...there are some people who dun remove them (; and it's gross ><

have been behaving dumb-ly recently...yesterday tot ii left my wallet in class...today ii left it at home and ii have to use coins to take bus...so ii limited my bus journey to two times today...haha...when you dun have concession, u will minimise the bus rides you take...but when you have concession,you will MAXIMIZE the bus rides you take!!

recently, ii've been carrying my books frm school to home and frm home to school...haha, ii'll be doing it for two weeks cos gonna mug mug mug mug mug...

went study tgt with mag and caijuan after school at Tm mac...hohoho, yesterday understood sine rule, today understood cosine rule...thanks to mag =D was fruitful today!! ii'm glad to understand it cos exams approaching!! and ii dun want to fair badly for maths...haha,ii scored a grade of E8 for mid year ;p bleahs...at least it's not F9...can still pull up to C6 ^^

bought a cute cute wallet today at popular :D
A Ratatouille wallet =D Cost me $4 only !! bleahs :p
rmb watching the movie with melissa and ying on the second day of release...we dunno how to pronounce the word Ratatouille so we pronounced as Rat-a-too-ee...and it's Correct ;D heehee

Today saw many ppl frm the school ii'm pioneering at tampines mall...was not that courageous...ii'm wondering wad will happen during the next camp...ii dun want to see the school still barren...but ii ain't doing anything yet...wad about the word spoken on friday?
faith,perseverance and courage...why am ii like tat?!?
-ii'm really sry. . .