Saturday, September 01, 2007

This is not Stupid -.-

This blog is not's just that the author went out for a whole day so no time to blog...

anyway the author is me who is not a full time blogger...

haha,ii realised ii have got my holiday scheduled out =)

Sun(2/9)- study after piano lesson
mon(3/9)- eat+digest sushi; class gathering 7-11pm
tue(4/9)- infocomm retreat @ sentosa!!
wed(5/9)- oral 8am;metamorphosis
thur(6/9)- whole day free= do homework
fri(7/9)- go serangoon to cut hair [Finally!!]
Sat(8/9)- Time to get crazy!! Out a whole day
Sun(9/9)- Sianing @ home as usual... is not a time to sian/rot at home...there are surely better things to do =)

celebrated Dennis and sharlene's birthday today =)
both of them are wild and crazy leaders...but besides being wild and crazy,they are great and biblical leaders whom ii noe really love God with All their heart,mind,soul =)

For Dennis birthday,the whole east played a game which the objective is to dress "Dennis" up =)
Dennis here is fake de cos each unit was supposed to pick somebody as model and the model will be the person they dress up to look like the real Dennis =)Yu shan really look like Dennis because EC bought a shirt for Dennis which suit him and yushan wore it during the game...muahaha

As for Sharlene's birhtday,the whole sub-district(East C,E,F) formed a formation of "We love u" because nort enuf ppl to form "Happy Birthday" =D Muthu didn't come down during the celebration of Sharlene's birthday because ii guess we managed to keep our volume down =) But after the whole thing, Muthuna came down and told us that ppl are complaining that we are noisy...of cos la...girls ma,will tend to scream and laugh naturally will noisy maa...

*muthu is a security guard,so tat makes Muthuna a FE-male security guard =))

haha and ii realised ii have yet to announce the polling results for "Let's see how ii appear in front of you =D haha you can only pick one so choose carefully =D" they come:

Quiet and Shy...- 0%
Crazy and wild!!- 5%
Fun to be with lamer- 36%
Funny- 5%
OK lor...- 15%
BHB- 36%

seems like ii am not quiet and shy at all...muahaha...but ii used to be =)

And crazy and wild?haha...when was ii ever so crazy and wild...ii cnt rmb so if you do tell me =)

Fun to be with lamer...haha,tats the real me!! ii am lame but fun to be with =p

ii am funny?haha,ii certainly have got some qualification to be funny because my shepherd,Yanyu is a joker =)

Do you really think ii am ok?haha,some say ii am weird...but it's ok,ppl are different so ii dun mind being out of the blue =)

heehee,and BHB seems to be part of me too...because ii love to hold the camera/phone in front of me and den,"click",tadah!! my picture is in your fone memory,if you are lucky, you might even get to see my face as your display picture!!