Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ii didn't meant this to be such a long post...haha but if you hate to read ii hope you'll still read it =) ii have specially paragraphed them so that they wont hurt your eyes =)

ii've been reading this book called Ghosts- A Christian's Victory recently...it's about how a Christian had so many encounters with ghosts but yet,he had victory over them instead of being defeated like others who had the SAME encounters as him...

haha...it's scary(thrilling too!!!)during his encounters with them...yeah and ii'm starting to imagine things at night when it gets dark x)

Initially,ii tot a Christian would never see this thing called ghost because God would protect him/her...

Yes God protects the person but God loves to put his children to test but he also loves to keep them protected no matter what...

everybody are God's children but those who acknowledges him and loves and take their relationship with him seriously he will protect them cuz they have been all washed and clean by his own blood [this blood is referring to the blood Jesus shed when he died on the cross 2000years ago;once and for everybody].

And the Devil(Satan) is afraid of this blood so thats why when we say "Jesus" he flees ^^

Ghosts are actually demons and they are representatives of the devil's force...after ii read the book den ii realized that the demonic powers of Satan are so powerful that it can even cause physical pain and physical death(go search about Clarita and you'll get a better understanding)

But Jesus being the giver of life will always be greater than these evil powers...tats why Christians aka Christ followers aka Little Christ will always emerge victorious =) coz they have the authority of God whilst others dun have...

haha...but ii didn't come to know God because ii want his protection...ii actually didn't know there was such a warfare between God and Satan when ii was still an unbeliever...
haha anyway after reading so much,ii'm not trying to tell ppl that Jesus can fight ghosts...he can do far much more than that i.e change broken lives (cant think of more rite now)

This is the
REAL world we are living in...it's a really real world where real thing happens...

it's not a beautiful lalaland where only lovely things happens...it's not a world which will remain like that forever...

cruel things like disposal of live babies are happening...murder,killings massacres are all happening...persecutions are happening right now...demon possesions and all other evils you can name are all happening!!

it's not happening to you,reader,but it's happening IN singapore...right in the place where you stay...so one day it might just strike you[ii'm not cursing anybody here]

The following is written as prophecies in the Bible and will happen; the bible does not lie:
At one point of time nearing to the 2nd coming back of Jesus Christ, these cruel things will happen more intensely...

all will suffer...those who died,those who are living now and those in the future whether Christians or not;in heaven or in hell...all will be tested and no one will be spared from the testing...this is written in the Bible and it will and shall happen.

-wad are prephecies?
prophecies means things that have not happened will be fufilled in the future;they are foretold to men by God

-Wad is the 2nd coming of Jesus
Jesus came the first time 2000 years ago to die on the cross for all men who were and are so imperfect so that they can have a relationship with God. He will come back the second time for the complete world when everybody has heard the gospel. Then he will take the Church with him(not the building;it's the people) then ascend to heaven just like how he had done so
the first time he came(except he didn't have his church with him the 1st time)

Hey ii'm not being religious or being a siao zhar boh or believing in myths...all these ii emphasize are not fake they are real...it may sound unfamiliar to you...they're not just Christian beliefs but they are God's truth which will happen!
Believe or not it's your own choice,the day will come.

Christians! The best thing you should do now is to treasure your relationship(not religion) and grow stronger so that when the testing comes you will not be defeated!! treasure the life to the fullest he has given to you...treasure why he rebukes you when you were and are still so foolish...Rmb how he saved you and how he changed you...

For others,maybe you should start a relationship with God right now =)
It's not a bad choice it's the best choice =)