Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ii was checking my email just now and guess how many emails were there in my inbox which was seldom cleared?

all are wrong!!there are 443 of them!!! The last time ii checked was 200 plus and it accumulated within just a few weeks...haha...but most are from friendster and some are forwarded messages and surveys...ii was deleting those unimportant ones when ii came across this mail forwarded and sent to me by Jacq Tan Li Xian titled "FW: 2 letters for you......" haha interesting so ii clicked and watched the first one LETTER FROM's a touching one so ii put it here for anybody to just see...

another one is completely different...this one wasn't a love letter from God but it's a Letter sent from


It's a video about a guy, named Josh who died and went to hell because he was never told by his best friend Zack about,Jesus;the one and only person who can deliver all men from hell (in tis case ii'm talking about both genders). He wrote a letter from hell to was filled with so much vengeance that ii couldn't imagine it if ii were him...But his friend Zack being selfish, prefers not to be bothered by all these...he would rather go about his daily...and thats how tragic it became when his friend died...