Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Linhui =D Find your 1st sheep real soon!

heehee...ii know you wont see this :p But ii am 1 day earlier...the actual date is tmr,28/10
hmmm...ii did some art work b4 chionging out of the house for took me around 1 hr...wondering why ii did art?(ii dun take art+ii dun excel in it)

haha...for Linhui's birthday card la...took me one whole hour to draw and colour...
And now I present my work...tadah! ! !

Damn ugly or quite cute? (wad do you say?)

haha today my WHOLE group was late for service...hmmm...we've got some heavy sleepers in EA1derful(me included) haha but ii was one of the earliest to arrive @ small mac at 11am =))

After service we went to le meridian...haha...there's a joke behind this food court today...Ying told my dad that ii was at le meridian,my dad has got some hearing problems so he heard it as 美丽的店 -.- so the chinese name of le meridian is of cos
美丽的店. any of you readers find it not funny?

heehee...we were the food court for quite some time so shih ching was whining to go play counter strike at cuppage B2...haha...ii didn't intend to play after my previous experience...ii was such a noob so ii killed nobody(cos ii dunno how to control).After 10-15 mins of CS,ii felt so nauseous that ii exited the game and went to pay money,around 70cents...den ii took around 1hr plus to recover from the nauseousness.

but this time was better...ii played 1hr plus of counter strike den ii vomited...took 10-15 mins to recover...haha...when we were playing...four guys asked whether they could play with us(cos maybe they four play very booring la...) so we said yes...haha,my nick was Hotbabe [shih ching named it for me cos at first my nick was Super Hot Babe Jing Jing] Lols They damn pro sia...they four can defeat us six...haha,but Hotbabe saved the day and we won at least once ii think...

ii went to pay money cos ii really shou bu liao le...very very xing ku...haha den ii saw Ying,Melissa and Irene there!! hohoho...ying must really be happy to see me cos she open her eyes BIGBIG when ii appeared (ii was happy to see her too cos someone can pei me go home :D)

haha...ii'm really glad she came to serve God with me although she did so at a much later time than me...but since she came,she was not that mature as yet but God pruned her and she became more and more mature so our relationship has improved compared to last time when we quarrel over even the smallest or stupidest thing (such as which person use which bathroom or shampoo...)

Last time,we enjoyed one another's presence but...
We didn't like to give the other party wad we like...we love to keep it for ourselves
We didn't like to give in to each other...we quarrel over who should give in to who
We didn't like each other around too much cos we see the each other EVERYDAY
We were self-centered and cared more for ourselves than each other
We stored hatred in our hearts and were easily angered by each other

Last time,we hate and love one another...but now,we love one another fully because we are not just blood sisters,we are sisters in Christ so our relationship is now built on the solid rock,Christ =)
Now ii really enjoy to see her anywhere,anytime except when she snores and ii have to pinch her nose.

And ii feel so blessed to have her as my sister although of cos we still quarrel but not as much as last time which was almost everyday now we quarrel once in a month more or less =) ii know that she loves me because she loves God...last time she dun love God thats why it was a huge difference compared to now =)