Saturday, November 10, 2007

whee~ care group was so fun :D
we went Jeslin's house and there was much noise pollution with shuhfen and sirui screaming at each other in high pitch ^^

we watched Just follow law in the afternoon den Mr Bean's holiday at night during dinner time...ii was laughing so loudly while watching the comedy show that ii didnt realise it...ii have become very used to laughing out...hahahaha...and for dinner,we have chefs frm the care group...the chefs for dinner are the weirdest ppl you can find in the care group,ii was not one of them(thank God or ii'd ruin the kitchen)...haha,ii was just kidding abt the weird ppl part...

although the food was not exactly delicious(as compared to maggie mee,actually not so bad la),ii found that it actually tastes alright for me;normally ii would look for something else to eat...ii was thinking to myself, even if ii have the best foods to eat, ii'd rather eat something less delicious with this bunch of ppl whom ii enjoyed their presence so much...eating something cooked by them really made the care group feel like a family,in fact it felt like myyyy family ^^

ii realized that it was God who had given me such a great family...
ii cannot find this community anywhere except in his church...this is where ii find people who are really concerned about me and this is the place where ii can build covenanted relationships with people whom ii can trust to tell my deepest secrets and most embarrassing moments =)

ii love~ this family~ of God~~~So close~ly knitted into one \/^^