Friday, November 23, 2007's been long long ever since you see me typing here with my two-finger typing skills ;D

1stly,I find that blogging without pictures makes it hard...
2ndly,I love playing audition ^^
3rdly,I dun like to just blog about wadeva that happened,it's like just trying to fill your blog with posts...ppl read le oso sian(lol...ying is complaining sian now when I'm blogging..out of the overflowing of the heart,she's really sian but she's amusing when I look at her ><) was unfruitful.I went to school for CCA open hse...and then its like NOBODY come our school.
Have a handful la...lols...mostly aunties...I was clever to pon yesterday ^^\/
but not as clever to go today -.-

I called linhui tonight for confirmation...and then...
handphone...No answer
hse phone...Not at home
ah ma hse phone...Not there either -.-

Just to make sure she dosen't reach home very late due to her mountains of office work,I sms her to take care of herself then call me when she reach home. haha...and obediently,she called and shun bian announced to me the good news I've been wanting to hear...HER MOM AGREED TO LET HER COME FOR X29 CAMP!!!!

My heart was beating so fast after hearing the news that I had to control my voice from sounding too exhilarated. haha,I said muackx to her after saying bye (thats me when I get very high) ^^ den I dialed Yanyu's number in approximately 2 seconds cuz too high...

haha just to let you know,I went to camp 3 times already and I haven't been to a camp where any of my sheep was also there. So this upcoming one is my fourth one and finally got one! But she haven't signed the consent form yet...hope her mom won't say a last minute no!! that would be a big boo hoo for me!!

haha d^_^b