Saturday, December 08, 2007

hello...long time no see =.=

these few days has been a bit tragic for me...grandpa died yesterday morning at around 4am and I was sleeping soundly(not knowing that mom actually tried waking me up)...the whole family was there but me...I was asleep like a pig and mom cant get me out of my pigsty...haha

Thanks to those who were there for me,EA1 ^^

Yanyu- being there for me even though you are having papers
Mag- encouraging me with a bible verse (= I will rejoice in the Lord
Shuhfen- being there for me since the day I updated you all abt grandpa
Shih Ching- Missing me when you dun see me ^^
Caijuan- telling me to cheer up

your words of encouragement really touched me till I wanted to cry and I dunno how to reply.

God spoke to me too after I knew that grandpa passed away.

"Be my ambassador;Be the giver of life"

I knew he had his plans to allow this to happen even though I had prayed and trusted. Am I urgent to reach out to God's ppl who are still lost? Do I still want to attend a funeral like this?