Thursday, December 13, 2007

9th- 12th december

hehe...I was lazy to blog b4 camp because it seems that nobody bothers to read this blog...haha, simply because everybody I know seems to be tired of blogging or lazy to blog so they dun visit ppl's blog nowadays. was awesome,church camps are always awesome because they are not like school camps where you have to bring a lot of things, do things you dislike and look at black faces of teachers. Furthermore, Singapore Sports school's hall was always cooling and I always go to church camps with my fellow caregroup members,whose presence I enjoy.

However, this camp was different for me as grandpa's funeral had clashed with it. It clashed on the second night and the third day. Mom and bro was not even in approval for me and ying to go for this camp as grandpa's cremation was on tue. The main reason behind them not approving was indeed, face. They were afraid the rest of the family would gossip about them if me and ying didnt turn up for the cremation. They were even prepared to pay us the $100 we paid each to sign up for the camp. We had a tough time of deciding and coming to a conclusion. We will leave the campsite halfway to attend the rituals and cremation.

Day 1(Sun)
We played games in the afternoon as a whole youth church and the east was cheering for those who were competing. Even though we didn't win, we threw slippers at the end when the game was over. It was a really time of fun and laughter as the smelly slippers were tossed into the air.

At night,we had a crazy time of praising and worshiping God.That night, I met God and I was really blessed by the word preached by ps shirley. It really taught me how to make a wise decision.I was happy that I had made a wise decision before I came for this camp.And that is, to not be absent for grandpa's rituals and cremation, provided that I dun miss camp completely. (= The whole thing ended around 11pm and we took pictures as a whole caregroup until 12.

The whole east a 1 had nobody who wanted to sleep as they were still very energetic at 1-2 am. I was already prepared to go into dreamland after linhui tucked me into my sleeping bag. Haha,she helped me zipped up the whole sleeping bag.

It was already at 1am but the whole Christ church hall was filled with many noisy people who were still playing with their caregroup members so I decided to get out of my sleeping bag and fellowship with some still awakened people. and then,guess wad? There was a beetle sticking on to the zip of my sleeping bag and it was moving!!!! And I couldn't escape coz I was all zipped up.I was screeching for help(there's a difference between screaming and screeching) that Linhui tot I was having a nightmare.-.- Thanks to sirui that she swept the thing away so that I could move out of that corner. ^^

Day 2(Mon)
Today, I dunno wad time we woke up. But we were late for breakfast and we couldn't do quiet time tgt...awww. Heavy sleepers, repent now! haha,I'm one of them ^^\/

There was a teaching then lunch then courses for everybody. I went to Hi,Mr EQ! and the whole idea about this was not just to have EQ. But EQ can be developed in us (= I was thinking that the course Hey Gorgeous! would be a fun one =D heehee

After that, we had free time until 5pm and that was the time I had to leave the campsite =( It was raining every now and then and I was desperately looking for an umbrella to shield ying as she was having fever. Many of the people did not have their umbrellas with them as they left it at Christ church. However, God blessed me with someone carrying an umbrella when I went into the hall,Wendy =D hee,she passed the umbrella to me upon hearing that ying was sick. (= Thats how the family of God cares for one another :D

Day 3(Tue)
Today,I was at the cremation. I regretted not being the giver of life when grandpa was alive. He was in no favour of choosing the God of truth or the other side. But he unknowingly didn't make the right choice. I had quite a hard time to accept that fact,everything from my eyes just flow out;I won't see him again. It taught me how to make the correct choice for God, Be his ambassador, be the giver of life.
Time is short,do you have the urgency?

Was back at CCS at around 5.The adreline inside me was making me moody. I was controlling everything from flowing out. I didn't want people to be stumbled seeing me break down.

After Pastor Simon's sermon, I felt much better. I had to prepare my life,not to let my one life go to waste. Dinner was great,even though the food wasn't...Minyi the pig was entertaining me with her spastic faces. (eg. d-.-b)

10th anniversary was a BLAST,I was laughing the whole time from the very first performance till the last. I felt very weird, being depressed the whole afternoon and being so happy at night. well,that shows that I'm being biblical [1 the 5:18]^^

stayed up the whole night after everything,until we couldn't tahan anymore. So went back to CCS den slept from 6am till 9am ^^\/

Day 4(Wed)

The last day of camp is always the most dreaded for me. because...

  1. Break camp = sianness
  2. The hall is always not so cooling on the last day(I duno why)
  3. You've to carry ur bags home
However,I'm gonna apply and put into use wad I've absorbed during camp :D heehee

But I love the sleeping part after camp, I slept from afternoon till the next morning and nobody managed to get me out of bed ^^\/