Sunday, December 23, 2007

this short paragraph is typed out 4 minyi the PIG...minyi the pig dun want to admit that she's a PIG ^^ So she likes to call me and shuhfen PIGS ^^

~end of para~

In the past,I used to think abt wad and how to blog. Even the smallest lamest things I would rmb just to put it down and make my posts seem longer :D wad you do everyday is not interesting actually, it is the person that is in you that is interesting. And who is that person inside you? you la..duh..ROFL ^^

Whoots~ last night was a total BLAST. With the Christmas service at the rock,the Y-hope Christmas party at sentosa and the stayover at Jeslin's hse with a bunch of noisy girls from EA :D I just dun understand why some ppl has to be so sarcastic towards Jesus' love towards them after hearing about how good he is.

Last night at Jeslin's house was totally of sleeping people were taken caught in the act of unglamness,including me! :D we slept at 6am and woke up att huh,holiday is a time to stay up late..whee~

her mum was realli nice,putting under my head a baby pillow and givin me a baby bolster to hug when I was sleeping flat on the mattress :D haha,was quite paiseh to bother her mom so much just by staying,I love the stay ^^