Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you!!

guess who's birthday issit today?
Have you forgotten?
or do you not know?
every year,nobody gives him a birthday present on his birthday...
However,I do give thanks on his birthday...
He's none other than Jesus
Christmas is called Christmas because of Christ...have you realized that?
haha,it's Jesus Christ's birthday (=
the day he was born unto earth :D
That's why it's CHRISTmas ^^
Happy birthday my beloved saviour!!
Thanks for coming to earth den to the cross for me, Jesus.
You gave ur life for us so thats why this season is for us to GIVE :)
without you,there will be no Christmas day for me to rejoice.
This season is romantic because you are so romantic...
you were willing to do anything for me out of love...
haha,u may think I'm crazy writing all these to someone whom you think dun exist,
I know he exist,if not I won't be here writing a post abt him
I know he exist,if not I won't love.
I know he exist,if not there won't be Christmas.
Jesus,wo ai ni wo ai ni wo ai ni!!

below is my favourite worship song I sang with all my heart to Jesus...

Now I am your own,
I lift my hands and sing
I bow before your throne
And worship you my glorious king

Now I am redeemed
My soul shall ever be
You bled and died for me

haha thats all I rmb for this song...
if you noe the full song pls tell me!!
I really like it since last year ^^

Merry Christmas~!! ^^