Wednesday, March 26, 2008

back to blogging...
have any readers missed me? Yes?no?
lolx...on average I have 3 readers everyday...
I dunno who they are...prolly the same old ones? xD was totally unglam at Tp
"Broke" into 1 of the rooms in engineer school,blk 17 lvl 5 to have new Ea1 1st cg
heehee. Tp having hols so almost nobody except us there
Didnt realised we were making a whole lot of noise and wow...
some1 came up...asking us to LEAVE...after we are done :D
didnt want to be recognised(was in sku-u) so hid under a table
with Joey,yingying,ShihChing,Melissa...ROFL
Had loads of fun with my cg members...being described as

*having a mole above upper lip (Yours truly, there's a black dot up there)
*vainpot??? (yupp I look at my hair almost as often as I blink xD)
*nostril woman (Won a competition for the 'biggest nostril award' during mcg...LMAO unglam)

After knowing one another,played two games...cute games though :D
Try to put the pics here(IF possible xP no USB)
one is sculpture,clay,potter
another one must compete drink water...
8 ppl finished 600mlx8=4.8l of water
super full luh...tat Joey aka water barrel kept *BURP*ing
In fact she burped more than the burping queen [applaud for her...lolx]