Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yay this week there is a public holiday :D

This is a special one for me though...
Two years ago I accepted this love
And I'm now a totally changed person
Wad issit all about?Good friday,Easter?
Yea...good friday was the day Jesus died for mankind
to redeem us from our sins becos he love us soo much
haha sounds riduculous tat God actually loves you?
I have proof to show you Jesus loves you

up to you to judge it ;) Cos I'm a living testimony of his love
Sorry for my imperfections but I'm just like you reader,an imperfect man.
Just tat I've received God's grace but you haven't
And Jesus didn't just die,he ressurrected(Rose from death) on the third day
Which was Easter Sunday :)
tats why I dun worship a dead God.
Recently,have been going around spreading this love to ppl
Cos cnt keep it to myself :)
I'm spreading it here...
This easter is not about bunnies and eggs
It's about the act on the cross which proves to us tat Jesus did everything for us
This easter season,dun miss it.
IF You really miss it,you lose BIG time (;