Sunday, March 16, 2008

haha here to make a post again ;D
Wondering why i haven't been updating?
Well,haha,it shows tat I'm not addicted to blogging<----tats a good thing Lord xP
Have been watching a Korean drama called "My Girl" recently ever since Chenglee said,
Oh by the way,this drama is the top hit in 2006
I'm outdated huh? =x by 1
yea but who cares? :D
heehee...tats probably wad kept me awake.
Watching one and a half episodes of it is more powerful than drinking coffee
I already controlled myself to dun watch too much
hmmm...but maybe it's not the drama's fault
probably everything I ate during the day gave me too much energy. ROFL
Being a sec 4 student this year,
I decided to be wise and do some studying in the midst of a
wanting-to-sleep-but-CANNOT-sleep-situation =.=
Tough time...I could only find a huge physics textbook in my room
The rest? In school lor...
So I read thru the things I cnt seem to understand in the classroom
And tadah,got a bit of insights from the TB (not teddy bear!Textbook)
Cos that book name is PHYSICS INSIGHTS...LMAO(haha,hehe,hoho etc.)
I studied two chapters...cnt take it anymore
Tried falling asleep, oso cannot >.<
3am: phone rang???
Yea it rang...not handphone. But it's house phone!!
Everyone was asleep,and I'm the only person in the hse awake
I was imaginating something like one missed call would happen =o
haha,perfect imagination
So hesitated...and then just answer la...
Heng ar!!
It's my da
Go pak tor until so late
And now I am stiu tired but cnt fall asleep =.=

~The end~