Monday, August 27, 2007

Do Not Read!!

haha...the reason why ii asked you not to read tis post is because ii am blogging about words for tomoro's grand review test because ii can't study and read off the paper =) So ii am depending on my blog here =) So if you still choose to read it...good luck to your eyes...of course your vocabulary too!!

Very chim words:

secular- not related or controlled by any religious body

mortal- extremely great

pounding- crushing by hitting repeatedly

gory- of extreme violence and unpleasantness

contemplate-to think deeply and thoughtfully

uprooting- removing

levelling- making something flat and even

ostensibly- seemingly

funnel- to pass though a narrow opening

crackdowns- strong official actions taken to punish people who breaks laws

distorted- gave a false and dishonest account of

vilified- gave a lasting bad name

entitled- given the right to do something or have something

denigration- saying bad things in order to influence others unfavourably

branded-declared to be not good or not important

annihilated- destroyed completely

engaging- participating

inept- ineffective

deflected- turned from a fixed direction/aim

demented- of unbalanced mind


To eat humble pie- to admit your error and apologize

a pig in the poke- an item you purchase without having seen it;a disappointment

as broad as it is long- it makes little difference

blow hot and cold- swing for and against something

2nd dose of Very Chim words:

notoriously- famous or widely known for something Bad

vacillating- be uncertain of what action to take

invoke- to make a particular idea, image or feeling appear in people's minds

facet- in a way which cannot or does not change

invariably- one of the several aspects of a subject to be considered

capricious- changing often and suddenly and without good reasons

transitory- lasting for only a short period of time; quickly passing

chimera- a dream that can never be true; unreal fancy

attaining- gaining or arriving at especially after long efforts

permissiveness- allowing behaviour, especially sexual behaviour, that others may dis approve of

defining- showing, stating or describing the limits

radiant- being so happy that happiness is shown on the face

blissful- extremely happy or enjoyable

intrigued- interested and wanting to find out more

sojourn- a stay in a place other than one's home for a short time

transient- continuing for only a short time

hollow out- to make an empty space

gravitating- to be attracted by and gradually move towards

palpable- things that can be touched or physically felt

aversion- a feeling of strong dislike or unwillingness

2nd dose of Idioms:

once in a blue moon- on a very rare occasion

sleep on it- postpone a decision while giving it some thought

to strike while the iron is hot- seize the oppotunity

to split hairs- to make fine distinctions

haha...all these are works of my two-finger typing skill =)

here comes temptation...temptation came...but ii am shall not be defeated!!